Thursday, May 21, 2009

Get a "Leg Up" on This Hot Fashion Trend!

Leggings are one of the hottest trends out there this season. That's right -- they're baaaack! They're wonderful layering pieces for your tunics, boyfriend jacket, or "Big Shirts".

We hear many questions asked about these hot little items. The most heard one is, "Can I pull it off?" Almost always, the answer is yes, but is IS a conditional yes.

If you're young, trim and have great fashion sense, you can wear leggings any way you want....with clingy tops, platform shoes, under belted sweaters or under a miniskirt.

BUT for the rest of us that may not have a "model body" -- there are just a few things to consider.

Leggings are meant to be layered (not on their own like we did in the '80s). They are meant to be worn with tunics, knit dresses, or short skirts. They provide great leg coverage.

Come in and give them a try!