Sunday, July 31, 2011

How to Wash "Dry Clean" Clothes at Home

In general you can successfully hand wash most dry clean only garments. (See list below for items that should be taken to the professionals)

The success will depend on the type of fabric, how the garment is put together, the dyes used, and the printing process used on the fabric.

Also your hand laundering success is dependent on the amount of dirt and stains on the fabric.

For best results always use cold water and a gentle cleanser. Hand wash by dipping the fabric in and out of the sudsy water. Gently scrub with your finger tips areas of heavy soil like the armpits and the neckline.

* Never use bleaches, regular laundry cleansers, fabric softeners, or rinse additives.

After you have hand washed your dry clean garments, roll them tightly in an absorbent towel. Unroll the towel and move the garment to a dry part of the towel and roll again. Continue until garment no longer feels drippy. It may take 2-5 rollings.

Never wring or twist your dry clean only garment - even when they are in the towel.

If the garment is stretchy like a sweater you will want to re-shape and lay flat to dry. If it is made of silk, wool or other natural animal fibers you should keep it out of direct sun light.

Give your dry clean garments a gentle shake - this separates the front from the back for faster drying time as well as removing any wrinkles caused by the rolling process.

Tops and dresses should be hung. Be sure to straighten the collars into position you want them to dry in.

Clothing items that are NOT safe to hand wash and are best taken to the dry cleaners:
*Acetate fibers
*Rayon (It often shrinks – though it generally only does so once.)
*Garments with a special finish on them
*Leather or Suede.

If the garment is very special to you - and you would be sad if washing by hand changed the garment in anyway, don't chance it!